
Spring 2009, Thursdays, Milner 216, 4:00-4:50 PM

Date: February 26

"  Mini-Talk "

* Prof. Volodymyr Nekrashevych

* Prof. Eric Rowell


V. Nekrashevych: "Multi-dimensional Julia sets"

: We will present recent developments in complex dynamics in several variables. In particular, we will show how combinatorial group theory and finite automata can be used to describe fractal Julia sets in higher dimensions.

E. Rowell: "Classifying Modular Categories"

: On several levels modular categories are generalizations of finite groups. For example, modular categories encode the symmetries of states of matter with topological symmetries, in analogy with finite groups' relationship with symmetries of rigid bodies.
   In this talk I will introduce some of the structure of modular categories and some open questions that are of current interest. In particular, I will discuss some classification-type conjectures.